Wondering what to match with your take away food whilst all this madness is happeniig?
So its taken me a little while to get around to reviewing this drop from the Lion owned James Squire. I never managed to get my hands on the original 2018 release up here in FNQ but happened to find the 2019 in one of the mega liquor stores locally, where I should mention you are are able to purchase it online still. There is a great back story to The Wreck, which I don’t have space to go in...
“There’s no beer left”. It was a movie moment. You know one of those scenes when there’s an explosion or something happens and there is no sound just the actor’s hard breathing, and then slowly all the sound rushes back to them? It was like that, I heard the words but I didn’t believe them….“There’s no beer left!” Probably the most dreaded sentence a man can hear, closely followed by “I’m l...
Westvleteren is a brewery founded in 1838 at The Trappist Abbey of Saint Sixtus in Vleteren, Belgium, the Abbey itself dating back to 1260. The beers that the monks brew are widely regarded as the best beers in the world, their Westvleteren XII (or simply 12 for short) is consistently ranked as the world’s best beer. The monks aren’t in the brewing business for riches or glory however. They only b...
Most sports are broken up into summer and winter: Cricket for summer, rugby for winter for example. Whilst I firmly believe that beer is a 365 days of the year sport, there are definite times of the year when some beer work and some don’t. No-one has ever finished mowing their yard in Australia in the middle of January and said “what I need now is a pint thirst quenching stout”, they reach for the...
Over the last few months I’ve noticed a trend on a few of the social media sites I use and read. Generally the sites are polite, they are all about beer and sharing what’s good and what you can taste against what others taste. Yes I know that sounds all nerdy, but some people look at car or AFL websites, I look at beer and wine. The trend that has me confused is the sledging of the Yenda beer rang...
A few years ago Tassie’s Moorilla Estate decided to branch out, and in a massive way. The winery was established in 1958 by Italian-Australian Claudio Alcorso, and in 2001 current owner, David Walsh, established a museum (MONA) on the wineries grounds in 2001. He decided to add a micro-brewery to the site in 2004, aptly named Moo Brew, under the guiding hand of then head brewer Owen Johnston. Th...