A mere five years after launching their first beer, Pirate Life Brewing (PLB) moved into their long awaited, new site in Port Adelaide in March this year. PLB enjoyed phenomenal success in their first two years of brewing. Taking a swag of awards both here and around the world, sending their craft beers across Australia and the globe on the back of the competition results and public acclaim, via t...
Porters and Stouts, along with Sours and Gose, are the styles that alienate most beer consumers. The flavours are so big and bold, and a world away from, say the beer “from up here”, that trying them can seem like a chore rather than a passion. A lot of consumers think that there is a seasonal window for drinking them, and to a certain extent, I think they are right. Whilst I can still enjoy a goo...
Ever wonder just what teh heck a tannin is and how it works with your wine?
The kindergarten where my little girl goes has this deal where you need to do three hours of work there a term, and the Minister for War and Finance always signs me up to the mowing of the yard there, which entails whipper snipping, mowing and blowing out afterwards. Now normally this wouldn’t really be an issue, but last week, I had to do my yard, a list of odd jobs and then spent the next 3 and...