
Hello Darkness my old friend.

Porters and Stouts, along with Sours and Gose, are the styles that alienate most beer consumers. The flavours are so big and bold, and a world away from, say the beer “from up here”, that trying them can seem like a chore rather than a passion. A lot of consumers think that there is a seasonal window for drinking them, and to a certain extent, I think they are right. Whilst I can still enjoy a goo...

Coopers 62 -revisited

Over the Christmas holidays we caught up with family at a restaurant called Kobe inside the Townsville Casino. This place looks the goods, an interesting entry, flashy table ware and napery. But despite all the promises and the way the place looked, it ended up being a pretty pedestrian meal. I know that I have much better steak meals elsewhere; this probably wouldn’t even hit my top ten list. It’...

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